Health measures you can expect at Bees

For Bees, we are going to tell you this. We lost 19 friends in the last pandemic. We watched as another plant shopkeeper elsewhere died from COVID. Do we take this seriously? Certainly.

Working together we can expect: 

  • clean product. We have been sheltering in place since early March. We trust you will keep our customers with compromised immune systems safe with generous, kind choices. Only touching the product you have selected for your needs is a great start! Minding curious hands of minors resting safely in pockets will also be a great contribution.

  • room. You will have room and not be crowded due to our outdoor space and way our product aisles are arranged. If a crowd is there that is bigger than the space can accommodate (which hasn’t happened yet) we ask folks to wait at the gate until others leave to allow room. A maximum of five folks at a time will be inside. To help make this number work, we ask that you bring either just yourself or at most one other to shop during your visit. Directional markings on the floor will have folks heading in one direction so you won't be passing each other. 6' markings at the sales desk will allow a healthy distance. 

  • efficiency and no touch shopping. We have been operating as a no touch credit card shop for over three years so have that system solidly in place. We will scan your selections from a distance and you may bag or carry them away as you choose. Between customers we sterilize pay portals with isopropyl alcohol and it smells a bit like a doctor’s office!

  • a bit of mystique behind a mask. In an effort to protect you and also other customers, we respectfully request you to wear a mask. Though not all of us believe asymptomatic carriers exist, better safe than sorry! Gloves are cool too, especially if you are a tactile shopper.

  • an oasis in the middle of the city, filled with peace. You can expect a green, cool place with happy folks and helpful advice for your garden needs. Looking at our online shop in advance can help too for planning your shopping choices.